I was going through the HBR and
found very interesting note on the Change Management Leaders.
It is their individuals characteristics
which matters which matters the most, it is the interaction with people and
influencing and inspiring people in other words motivating people to reach
their goal.
Right judgment
and identifying the problem right time and taking corrective action a
sort of PDCA.
Goal setting is a must, measurement
is a must to what extent we are going to achieve the goal, and together we
achieve the goal of the organization.
Decision making and problem solving
methodologies should be unique in each and every case.
Courage and prioritization are equally
important.Gut feeling needed.
Yes, it is difficult to have all the
combination of these characteristics in one single persons.
Situations are unique, and differ from
case to case.
The followings points has been explained
in-depth and I think it is worth reading.
1. Inspiring others. There are two common approaches that
most of us default to when trying to motivate others to change. Broadly, we
could label them “Push” and “Pull.” Some people intuitively push others,
forcefully telling them they need to change, providing frequent reminders and
sometimes following these steps with a warning about consequences if they don’t
change.The alternative approach is “Pull,” which
we can employ in a variety of ways. These include working with the individual
to set an aspirational goal, exploring alternative avenues to reach an objective,
and seeking other’s ideas for the best methods to use going forward. This
approach works best when you begin by identifying what the other person wants
to achieve and making the link between that goal and the change you’re
proposing. Inspiring leaders understand the need for making an emotional
connection with colleagues. They want to provoke a sense of desire rather
than fear. Another approach in many work situations is to make a compelling,
rational connection with the individual in which we explain the logic for the
change we want them to make.
2. Noticing problems. Lots of management advice focuses
on the need for individuals to become better problem solvers; but there is
an important step that comes even earlier. It is the ability to recognize
problems (to see situations where change is needed and to anticipate potential
snares in advance).
For example, in one company we worked
with, it was common to hear people being praised for their heroic crisis
management skills – rescuing projects on the brink of failure, or getting a
delayed product to a client just in time. A new manager recognized this pattern
as a serious problem. He/She correctly saw it not as a sign of hard work, but as a
symptom of a broken process.
3. Providing a clear goal. The farmer attempting to plow
straight furrows selects a point in the distance and then constantly aims in
that direction. Change initiatives work best when everyone’s sight is fixed on
the same goal. Therefore, the most productive discussions about any change
being proposed are those that start with the strategy that it serves.
4. Challenging standard approaches. Successful change efforts often require
leaders to challenge standard approaches and find ways to maneuver around old
practices and policies – even sacred cows. Leaders who excel at driving change
will challenge even the rules that seem carved in stone. Taking
stretch targets are the basic things smart leaders look for and try to extract
from their subordinates.
5. Building trust in your judgment. This is both about actually improving your
judgment, and improving others’ perceptions of it. Good leaders make decisions
carefully after collecting data from multiple sources and seeking opinions from
those whom they know will have differing views. They recognize that asking
others for advice is evidence of their confidence and strength, not a sign of
weakness. Because of their ability to build trust in the decisions they make,
their ability to change the organization skyrockets. If others do not trust
your judgment it will be difficult to get them to make the changes
you want them to make.
6. Having courage. Aristotle said, “You will never do
anything in this world without courage. It is the greatest quality of the mind
next to honor.” Indeed, every initiative you begin as a leader, every new hire
you make, every change in process you implement, every new product
idea you pursue, every reorganization you implement, every speech
you deliver, every conversation in which you give difficult feedback
to a colleague, and every investment in a new piece of equipment requires
courage. The need for courage covers many realms.
We sometimes hear people say, “Oh, I’m not
comfortable doing that.” Our observation is that a great deal of what leaders
do, and especially their change efforts, demands willingness to live in
7. Making change a top priority. One of Newton’s Laws of Thermodynamics
was that a body at rest tends to stay at rest. Slowing down, stopping, and
staying at rest does not require effort. It happens very naturally. Many change
efforts are not successful because they become one of a hundred priorities. To
make a change effort successful you need to clear away the competing priorities
and shine a spotlight on this one change effort. Leaders who do this well have
a daily focus on the change effort, track its progress carefully and encourage
1 comment:
This is excellent information. This blog is a concise reminder to make sure all the basics are covered. Hope to see more from you. Change management training program
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